Young South Sudanese use artistic expressions to mobilize their countrymen, and promote a peace culture. In South Sudan, young people do not have it easy. With one in three citizens displaced by civil war, 100,000 people affected by famine and more than half of the population dependent on aid to survive. The option of staying able to put in practice the first act of resistance.
Among those who choose to stay there are fifty or so young South Sudanese artists behind the # BloodShedFree2017 campaign (2017 free of bloodshed), launched this year on the South Sudan streets. On social networks. In a country with 72% of the population under 30 years old, this unprecedented initiative uses hip hop, poetry. Also participatory theater and street murals to speak to the conscience of young people and direct them towards dialogue rather than towards violence.
Tired of war
The # BloodShedFree2017 Campaign calls on parties to the conflict, political leaders and the international community to halt the war between supporters of Dinka President Salva Kiir and ex-President Nie Riek Machar. Since December 2013, and that has taken tens of thousands of lives.
Among his requests is a permanent ceasefire, to curb ethnic violence and to tackle an insecurity that has turned roads into deadly traps. In a climate of reprisals against journalists and human right defenders, they also demand freedom of expression. These appeals do not look anything new, but #Anataban does not stay here.
Language without barriers
Anataban addresses citizens with images, sounds and words that they disseminate by all possible means: with updates on social networks, reaching the diaspora; with rap concerts and outdoor poetry recitals; creating the first street paintings of Juba, the capital, on walls ceded by their owners, and with participatory theater on social problems such as rancor between communities.
As part of the campaign, the group organizes weekly open-format events in Juba so that young people can come together and express their ideas about the country’s situation.
Message number one: ask for and grant forgiveness. In the song Malesh, I feel it in Arabic, they apologize for all the damage they have inflicted on each other and for having disrespected their country. Reports Mathiang. A term as I am sorry, so faded in other contexts, is loaded with meaning and subversion in South Sudan.
This double difficulty entails an accumulation of unresolved problems. It is at the base of the massacres for revenge, which often continue in aeternum because guilt is not extinguished. Not even with the guilty. This is a first example of what it means to assume individual responsibility in the destiny of the country. In his opinion.
South Sudanese dream
Anataban members persevere despite the challenges and South Sudan is plunged into one of the world’s largest humanitarian, human rights and security crisis. Everyone agrees that they are encouraged by the love for their country and the recognition of the citizens. Who are encouraged to continue because they have given them hope and a vital purpose.